
Hair-o-Scope - October

By Serah Schuster, THS Consultant
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
If you're been thinking about having bangs cut into your style but are not sure what suits you and your face shape, make an appointment with your hairstylist and they'll give you a professional consultation. Don't be afraid to ask about tips on how to style your hair as well.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Paris Hilton and Justin Timberlake.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
It's time to relax and detox your locks. You've been putting off the much needed TLC your hair has been crying out for. Ask your hairdresser what treatment is best suited for your locks and have it done. It won't hurt to trim those ends either. Your hair will love you as well as your hairdresser!

Celebrity's that share your sign: Ronan Keating and Rihanna.

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)
Before you let your friends attack you with that tint brush, a professional consultation from your hairdresser will work better in your favor. You will get professional advice on what suits you and your skin tone. So keep your friends away from your locks, even though they do mean well.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Mandy Moore and Victoria Beckham.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
If you have been trying to grow your hair out and have been avoiding trims, you're actually doing more damage by staying away from salons. Make an appointment and get your ends snipped off today. Your hair will look and feel so much healthier and grow out in a better state.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Jordan and Janet Jackson.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
You know you need a change and want those locks chopped off. Instead of getting a big chop, why not try a new color to freshen up what you already have? You'll be amazed at what a color can do for your style and how much it will brighten up your facial features. So make that appointment today and see the changes!

Celebrity's that share your sign: Angelina Jolie and Kylie Minogue.

Cancer (Jun 21 - July 22)
If you've had the straight look going for a while, why not try wicked curls for a change? And if you've had the curls and want a change, a nice smooth blow wave will make all the difference. Your hairstylist will be more than happy to assist you with easy tips to style your own hair at home. All you have to do is ask.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
If you've been thinking about getting highlights done but are still unsure, they will only work in your favor with professional advice from a professional hairstylist. A professional will find what is best suited to compliment your facial features and brighten your complete look. So don't be shy, make an appointment and ask as many questions as you want.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Madonna and Jennifer Lopez.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
You're coming out of party mode this month and will feel the need to spoil yourself. A few hours spent at a day spa is the best way to unwind. A full body massage will get you back on your feet, as will finishing off with a deep treatment for your locks at the salon. You know you deserve it, so make that appointment!

Celebrity's that share your sign: Rachael McAdams and Cameron Diaz.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
You're getting ready to party into the spotlight this month so don't delay that trip to the salon any longer. A new glamorous hairstyle will definitely have heads turning, so it's out with the old and in with the new.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Gwen Stefani and Nicky Hilton.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
The change in weather has done no justice to your once gorgeous locks. You know you need that deep conditioning treatment as well as a decent trim so don't hold off any longer! Your hair is crying out for attention. Make that appointment with your hairstylist ASAP!

Celebrity's that share your sign: P Diddy and Scarlett Johansson.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
If you've been thinking of a change but not sure how much of a change you need, it's a good idea to do it gradually. If you're tempted to go from long to short, why not try going to a medium length first? At least then if you want to take more off you can, and if you regret cutting it, you still have length to play with.

Celebrity's that share your sign: Ben Stiller and Jay-Z.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
A new hairstyle will be perfect for the special occasion you have coming up. You will not only feel like a million dollars, but you'll also look like a million as well. Make that appointment with your hairstylist today and get ready to party!

Celebrity's that share your sign: Holly Madison and Sienna Miller.

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