
Eley Kishimoto & Cacharel

Eley Kishimoto and Cacharel are teaming up and Fall/Winter 08/09 will be their first collection.

Eley Kishimoto takes the Artistic Direction of Cacharel women ready-to-wear. The partnership between Cacharel, renowned for its prints like the label Eley Kishimoto seems obvious.

Mark Eley and Wakako Kishimoto met in the early 90's; the design team quickly gained a reputation for incisive and intelligent print design. They have worked for big names such as Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs and Alexander McQueen, to name but a few.

In the mid 90's they launched their own label, which is one of the high lights on the London Fashion Week schedule. The creative team is also involved in other fields such as interiors and architecture.

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